Curtis and DJ BoBo met each other in 1985. The got together at the Jugendhaus "Tuchlaube" in Aarau for their first breakdance acts.

After DJ BoBo had released his first single "I Love You", he asked Curtis to take part in his upcoming project. Curtis agreed spontaneously. His decision, of course, called for a lot of daily training and practicing. They took every opportunity to perform on stage. Curtis himself says that those were the most instructive years of his life, learning to perform in front of every kind of audience, and moreover never to give up.

DJ BoBo was in the studio again working on his new single ("Somebody Dance With Me"), and Curtis contributed the lyrics to it. Undoubtedly, Curtis will never forget that special day when he was on his way to Wohlen, and, by chance, heard on the radio that this particular song had hit the Swiss Charts!!!

This was the major turning point in his life. Everything happened so quickly that Curtis could

hardly believe the extent of the success which was followed by many performances, TV shows, videos and tours. From 1993 on the project DJ BoBo required so much time that he was no longer able to go about his original work (bank clerk).

Over the years his scope of duties has grown larger and larger. In the beginning his "only" job was dancing. For quite some time now he has been responsible for all of DJ BoBo's excellent choreographies which also includes choosing the dancers. Therefore he watches over the entire DJ BoBo Dance Factory, too. By the way, DJ BoBo, Nancy, Dani and Curtis still work together when it comes to the conceptions of the videos, the TV shows and the tours. Curtis is also responsible for all the Video-Clips of DJ BoBo and takes care of the homepage of DJ BoBo.

In the course of time Curtis developed yet another artistic talent. After he had written the lyrics for "Somebody Dance With Me" and "Let The Dream Come True" and had done the remix for "Pray" he started to take pleasure in composing and producing songs. Together with two of his friends he founded the production company "Perloc Entertainment" who have already produced for many different artists such as DJ BoBo, Tone, 2-4 Family, Miss Joe, Risque, and Camen.

Curtis' personal website:


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