Origin of the name BoBo
DJ BoBo: The name results in my secret signature as a graffiti sprayer. The police was searching for me and they didn't know who this "BoBo" was. Finally they caught me in the act and since then I'm called "BoBo".

BoBo: "I think, everybody is surely strong enough in his own field to develop it. I was lucky to find what I like. And where I could live up my creativity. And somebody is listening. I think, there are a lot of talented artists, but nobody is listening."

     ...and the story began...

Rene Baumann was born in Kolliken in the Swiss canton Aargau on January 5th, 1968 as son of his Italian father Luigi Cipriano and the florist Ruth Baumann. Only one year after his birth his father is moving back to Italy. His mother doesn't want to follow him. So, DJ BoBo (Rene Baumann) is growing without the care of his father. Being very young his talents and passions show up: music, dance and soccer.
BoBo: Since I was a child I was always dreaming to play with the Swiss national team in a World Championship. But since the Swiss hasn't been qualified for it and also because I am not good enough, this hasn't come true.

The "Tuchlaube" in Aargau. A youth center nearby Kolliken becomes a regular refuge for young Rene Baumann.
BoBo: You have to imagine coming from a calm village with 3.000 inhabitants into the city with 19.000 inhabitants. I came from the village being a stranger. And I had to force through until I reached my goal to play records. This was the first success, so to say. And I said to myself: Wow, away from a sheltered world and into the city! This youth center shaped me quite a lot. That's where we got something about the American dance culture. And we thought: Whatever they do we want to do it, too. Therefore I think we were very much influenced especially by breakdance. It just started in those days here in Europe. And we were the first to react.


Being a DJ and breakdancer in his free time he imitates his idol Michael Jackson whenever he can spare some time beneath school. In 1984 Rene Baumann gains his school-leaving qualification.
BoBo: Somehow everybody was employed but me. I just forgot to look for an apprenticeship. I was that much involved in breakdance. I wanted to dance, but this is not a profession.

Doing his mother a favor Rene starts a traineeship as a baker and confectioner.
BoBo: I would have never stopped this traineeship. It was obvious to me what I had begun I would finish. The profession and me we didnt have much in common. But I just wanted to go through. Often I was unconcentrated. I also danced in the bakery as soon as the boss was out. Sometimes he caught me and said: "So now you focus on working again". But he always took it good-humoredly because he knew how much I loved it. And he also noticed it spurs me on when he didn't stop me immediately. That was quite good.

Breakdance is his passion. The colored breakdancer Percy Busby is his idol.
BoBo: I met him in the train. Traveling between Kolliken the village and the city Aargau. We had the same distance to travel. In the youth center in Aargau we heard: "There's a breakdancer from America, a colored one, oh-oh!" And then he was sitting there and I knew exactly this can be only him because he had a mini stereo system. And I approached him with the few English words I knew. And he came along immediately and said: "So you are dancing too, great! Come on, let's dance together".

United by their mutual love to breakdance: BoBo meets Oliver Imfeld, nowadays his manager.
Oliver: This must have been in 1984. It was the first evening I went right to a discotheque. It used to be custom there that the people who knew breakdance showed it to the audience.

BoBo: Those days we had the problem how to get into the disco without any money. You had to pay at least 5 Swiss francs but you just don't have it, no way. Finally one of us went inside then came out and told us about us. And he said: "There is a guy who claimed to be the best." I answered: "What kind of shit! Nobody is better than me. I am the best!" And he said again: "Ok, I'll go in and tell him you call him for a competition in breakdance, a kind of fight!"
Oliver: And then this guy came in. A boy pretty skinny wearing baggy trousers. And also wearing this breakdance jacket.
BoBo: And Oli said: "So you are making breakdance?" I replied: "For sure." - "Are you dancing for a long time already?" - "One year". - "That long already?" - "Let's see what you can do!" - "You first." That's how we met for the first time.
Oliver: We suited each other quite well. We got along with each other. And immediately I said: "Yes, we could meet once again." These days it was common to meet in the streets for dancing.

A friendship to last up today. A faith shared by all other members of the DJ BoBo family until today.
Curtis: It used to be in the youth center, "Tuchlaube". I heard there is a colored dancer called Percy teaching breakdance. I stumbled in. And here I met BoBo.
BoBo: Then he was dancing in our group. He was the only one who was able to do real nice somersaults. Everybody who knew something special... Oli was the only one to do the windmill, which is special figure on the floor. Everybody who knew something special was very welcomed.
Dani: We met in a disco. He was playing records there. It was in 1989 when I was dancing with some colleagues. He asked me if I'd like to dance with him for some kind of project. I considered it and informed him, but I had never heard from him again. One year later I met him again in another disco. It was in 1990. He saw me dancing and again he asked if I'd like to dance with him. I agreed. Since then I'm with BoBo.
Oliver: I think the friendship evolved because BoBo wanted his ideas to be put into action. And perhaps I supported him by always saying: "Just go on!"
BoBo: This loyalty is something you can't pay with money. This can't even be paid in extremely high wages or whatever. This is... Everybody always had this conviction. I think this forged a bond between us.

Being a DJ at the youth center "Tuchlaube" and in the disco "Don Paco" DJ BoBo gets the qualification to join Swiss DJ championship as the youngest participant.
BoBo: The first championship of disc-jockeys I took part in was taking place in 1986. I got the second place being the youngest participant. And I think this was absolutely the most important point. A professional discotheque took notice of me. And they gave the opportunity to me to arrange the Sunday afternoon in an open-plan disco beside my traineeship. It was the afternoon for children, so to speak.

He is more and more known in Swiss disco scene. He mixed songs he played in the disco on tapes produced by himself and they were getting more and more popular. On the other hand DJ BoBo maintains his success

as a participant of DMC competitions.
BoBo: Everything matched, so I knew very clearly that after my traineeship I wanted to become a professional disc-jockey. I started in a professional way 5 days a week in the discotheque "Don Paco" in Wohlen. The owner got a letter from a studio which read: "Make your own signature tune for your discotheque". A kind of jingle like they have on radio. And I thought: "Since I'm the disc-jockey here I'll do it." And finally all of sudden the owner didn't appreciate that idea anymore. But we already have started the production. And then I thought: Now that I've driven there and back those 200 kilometers for 6 or 7 times already with my Vespa there must be a way to achieve a song. So I make my own song out of it. This is the way how the first record "I Love You" was created. Which nowadays belongs to the category "crimes on records".

DJ BoBo has to learn cruelly that success in the showbiz always contains setbacks. The discos don't want to play his first singles. The record stores cannot sell them.
BoBo: Never ever it was important to me to achieve financial success in a commercial scene. If you are starting to produce your own record you want to demonstrate people what you are doing. At least this was my intention. I always wanted to gain the famous "break-even". I wanted to get back what I put into the whole thing. I didn't really manage it with my first 3 singles but the third one was nearby".
Oliver: In 1989 when he moved to Lucerne to the discotheque "Hazyland" he called me and said: "We need dancers." The idea behind was to have dancers for entertainment like they had on Ibiza. This was something completely new.

DJ BoBo performs self-staged live show in Swiss discos and gets celebrated and honored at international dance and DJ championships. At one of these occasions he meets his first wife Daniela Bock in summer 1988. Their love soon has to stand the test when DJ BoBo decided to produce a 4th single with borrowed money.
BoBo: I must say I was nearly obsessed. As I said I got a taste for it. I knew that this could work. I knew that would fit me. But this only caused expenses. Every time when I saved money I spent it in music instead of buying upholstered furniture. My wife certainly wasn't really amused.

With "Somebody Dance With Me" DJ BoBo unexpectedly gets on the road of success. In the meantime he has a permanent job as a DJ in the famous disco "OXA" in Zurich. Presenting his new single here in 1992 the dancefloor trembles.
BoBo: When we were running out of the first 400 copies - and me, I sold my own records well in

the disco too - I got a call from the boss of the label and he said to me: "I think we can repress." I answered: "Sure, I'm still having 300. You may have some of mine." And he said: "No, no, the shops are really asking for the song." I replied: "Are you serious?" He said: "Yes, perhaps only a small number of copies for being sure." I said: "Ok, go to press some more, this is going to be great!"

Meanwhile DJ BoBo is not only Swiss music star but also presenter of the Airplay Charts at the private broadcasting company Radio Pilatus in Lucerne.
Andy Wolf, Radio Pilatus AG, Lucerne: Rene Baumann worked on Radio Pilatus for 2 years. He worked on Saturdays. In the beginning he also had to read the news. But this didn't work at all. Then he focused on the music magazine. This was his world. There he hit the audience

over the head with the best songs. And this was his element. At the time he succeeded in Germany he had to free himself from us. Because he didn't have time anymore for his own radio show on Saturday afternoon. He had to appear in Germany. He then entered a world of his own.

Oliver: We thought now that we are having a sound carrier, a record, what do we have to do with it? And we said: "Somehow it has to be promoted." Yes, but how is this to be done? Promotion means probably making a tour.
BoBo: Being a party of 5 we gigged around discos and presented a program of 20 minutes. Surely I played three flops and the hit twice.
Curtis: I was diving into a world that still was completely unknown for me. We had nothing but fun. That doesn't mean we now don't have fun anymore. I don't mean it in this way. But those days it was unknown territory. We did many performances, a lot of promotion, the first TV appearance. I was like... wow!

After the crushing success of his 4th single "Somebody Dance With Me" in Switzerland he declared goal is now Germany.
BoBo: I started in Germany with a little import company in Deggendorf, Bavaria. The company's name is EAMS. It was small record company specialized on import. They took 500 units. We were very happy because 500 was the epitome of a huge amount! One week later we got a call: "We need another 500!" And so we pressed another 1.000 and another...
Oliver: Germany is the market where it really was happening! And all of the sudden in July 1993 we were in the Top of the German charts.
BoBo: This is it, isn't it? German charts officially, not only dance charts. No, we were number... I don't remember exactly anymore.

DJ BoBo sold more than 10 million records world wide today. But in 1993 it's still a long time to come. For the moment the first video clip and the first international TV performance on German TV are to follow.
BoBo: Then we knew: we have to stop those funny disco performances. Now we have to think about to make it really good. And we had a meeting and finally decided we want to make it as a profession. This means giving up our jobs! And so we became "professional" artists.
Curtis: I will always remember this performance (ELF 99, ARD, 1993). One reason is that it was one of our first big performances and already in a foreign country. The other reason is founded in this long travel and the getting away from the fans. And furthermore I had a slip-up during the performance. When I fell on my bottom.

The media are scrambling to get the unknown chart striker. Magazines like BRAVO and POPCORN love the story of the baker who mutated into a music star. A dream career could be taken from a Hollywood screenplay.
BoBo: The media were a bit going on about me and a bit laughing at me. The subject was all of a flash in the pan. In the beginning the most asked question was: What are you going to do next year? Will you play records or will you become a baker again? And I answered quite self-confidently: I continue to do what I'm doing right now.

In the middle of this high-altitude flight some news are crossing all media dropping like a bombshell on August 11, 1993: The music publisher EMI is entitled by law on the rights of DJ BoBo'a hit single.
BoBo: The record company didn't say anything against it, when we took melody from original "Somebody's Watching Me". They didn't say this won't be good or that we shouldn't do it. And to me it was clear that this is OK. And then all of sudden when it was a smash hit in the charts we got a warning for sure. It said we should hand back the entire income of the title. And then your whole world collapses.
Curtis: I think it was the worst time in my life, up to know. I don't wish anybody having that many sleepless nights. Because you know nothing about this business and finally all of sudden being charged by a lawyer or a record company with such a huge amount... You can only think...
BoBo: I asked the record company: "What are we going to do? Surely I got this from "Rockwell". They replied: "No, we won't admit". And I said: "And why not?" - "One doesn't do this."
Nancy: He mostly approaches the problem directly, says what's on his mind and that's it. In this case he postponed a little bit.
Curtis: We reached an agreement out of court. They got a part of it and we too.

The lost legal proceedings and the permanent attacks of the media are burring private life. In spring 1994 DJ BoBo and Daniela Bock are getting divorced.
BoBo: If something goes wrong then everything goes wrong. Sometimes there's a divorce then media turns against you. They start to blow up things. This was a very strange time for me.

Despite many setbacks there is some ray of hope. The new single "Keep On Dancing" is published followed by a disco tour and is placed into the Top Ten. Future singles and albums are getting permanent parts of the international music charts."
BoBo: We were looking for a new crew and were on a "Mega Dance Festival" tour together with eurodance groups. Nancy was a dancer and singer for Haddaway in those days. We met on this trip.
Nancy: I think the tour lasted for 3 or 4 weeks. We met after the shows in the hotel. Whenever I came to the elevator he was inside. And once I said: "Tell me, are you taking the elevator all day long? I thought it was impossible." And he said: "Please, don't harm me. It's coincidence.
BoBo: And this is how we got to know each other.
On August 9th, 2001 DJ BoBo and Nancy Rentzsch are getting married widely shielded from the press and the audience.


DJ BoBo is cooperating with the German composer and producer Axel Breitung. This partnership had a promising start since the very beginning. Together they got awards for 9 albums and 23 singles world-wide as well as countless golden and platinum records.
BoBo: First Of all it's the will to increase. That's the force behind it, I think. I want to get better. And as long as this force exists, it is healthy, I think.

Particularly this is valid for the live shows of DJ BoBo. In 1995 he starts his own first great concert tour. 75 minutes full program on stage for his own audience.
Oliver: We had these groups doing the opening program and since 1993 we were having a knack for those groups. At that time it was "Mr. President" who was on the tour with us.
BoBo: They had a leather- and lacquer performance. Equipped with whips and face masks... The same cast was known later on. This was very strange! Only in 1996 when the halls achieved a capacity of 3.000 to 6.000 we were also lucky with the opening program.

We had "Backstreet Boys". Always at the last performance of the tour we were pulling the band's leg. The technicians do so as well as the other groups. It was the final song of "Backstreet Boys", "I'll Never Break Your Heart" a kind of romantic ballad. They fetch a girl out of the audience and place her on a chair and sing towards her, with a rose. And we were dressing up as girls and went to the stage.

In 1996 a concert tour through Asia, East Europe and South America is to follow. Here DJ BoBo gets important impressions for his new show "World In Motion" which is international celebrated during 1996/1997.
BoBo: There is a certain atmosphere in a room. It's difficult to describe, perhaps also a bit harebrained.

But when you have 12.000 people in one room there are certain vibes. When you are coming out of the dressing room to the stage those vibes will overwhelm you. You can't assimilate them. But if you are in the room beforehand and you feel the atmosphere you are much more able to match the people.

The extravagant high tech shows are always bearing the risk of mishaps. Like "World In Motion".
BoBo: There is nearly no performance without any mishaps. I was flying upwards, I was looking down, the engineer shook his head and I thought: what's happening? The motor was broken. No chance to move me in any direction. It just brought me up and up. We had a cable and when I arrived on top there was a short-circuit. I was hanging under the decoration, hunching my neck. The people didn't really get it. They thought it has to be like that. The song ended and I was still hanging there and told the people: "You know, normally I should be down on the stage. But I think for the next 20 minutes I'll stay up here."


On his "Magic Tour" in 1998 the extravagant shows are enchanting his audience with a mix of pop concert, musical, dance and the most modern light and pyrotechnics. This perfectionism is asking for a long period of planning and clearly defined responsibilities.
Dani: BoBo, Nancy, Curtis and I we were meeting and talking about a plan for the next tour, its name and contents.
Curtis: It really becomes stress about a half a year before the start of the tour. Those times our heads are really buzzing.

Everyone in the BoBo family has his clearly defined job. Curtis Burger, Daniel Burkart, DJ BoBo and his wife Nancy are the creative team developing together new drafts for the shows. Everyone of them has additional responsibilities to cover: Curtis is responsible for the choreography, the

dancers and the videos, Nancy is responsible for scenery and costumes, Dani - for stage set, graphics and technique. Oliver Imfeld is responsible for the complete logistics and the management. For the perfect presentation of the shows one name appears on top: DJ BoBo.
Nancy: He knows he can rely on us. We do what we say from A to Z! I think this is most important that you can rely on somebody.
Impressive trips and crushing success are leaving their traces in thoughtful even melancholic songs of the album "Level 6" which is finding its way into the record stores in 1999.
Nancy: I think they understood that he did this album. But I also think they wanted it to be more in the party way they were used to.

"Level 6" is accompanied by "Mystasia Tour" which should bring the fans back together. "Mystasia" is world-wide celebrated despite of private problems of DJ BoBo who fell extremely ill on the tour.

Nancy: I was really scared. He spitted blood. The following concert we had to... I think it was Gottingen. I said: "Call it off. It doesn't make sense. Your fans will understand." And he replied: "No, I must go on stage." And I said: "No, you needn't to. If you are not able it won't work. And now the time has come." I think at that point he understood that life has limits. And he certainly got to a limit.

In 2001 "Planet Colors" also required an endless expenditure. Almost 2 years of preparations were needed for his tour crossing Germany, Austria and Switzerland. More than 100 technical helpers moved more than 100 tons of material to present an almost 2 hour lasting, colorful show to more than 450.000 fans. This is only possible with perfect teamwork.
BoBo: I very much depend on harmony. Sometimes even seeking harmony. We were quarrelling extremely rare even in the crew. A dispute is immediately been settled. When I notice somebody is somehow has a problem or something's wrong with him I talk to him immediately.

An uncomplicated star. Excesses and scandals are unfamiliar to DJ BoBo. The natural closeness to his fans is a credible need for him.
Nancy: You got the ideas. You learn things you wouldn't find without the fans drawing your attention to it. Maybe the security guards spoke to them in an odd way or... whatever.
BoBo: There's a nice story which happened to me recently. A girl came to me, about 24 or 25 years old and said: "You know, 8 years ago I stood at the back exit of the Olympiahalle in Munich when you had performance at the 6-Tage-Rennen." There are many stars and little stars. "And you were the only one who answered my 4 questions for my school newspaper. But unfortunately I must tell you the interview was never printed because nobody believed that I was really talking to you." It is nice that fans share your development and respond you in such a degree. I believe that's the reason why those 10 years in my career were possible at all! Because of this faith of the fans and vice versa.
The esteem of his fans is one of his strong points, his social commitment is another one. With charity concerts in Tirana, Sarajevo and Belgrade the Swiss record millionaire is working for international aid organizations like "Hand In Hand for Children" and "Open Hearts".
Nancy: He also makes many of those last wish things. That's the last wish of children to see and meet him. And they sometimes arrive in an oxygen tent and wheelchairs. And I think there he can give a lot. Because he is able to treat this in a normal way.

Not only for his social commitment but also for his musical qualities DJ BoBo got countless international media and audience awards over the last 13 years as well as ten World Music Awards.
BoBo: To win the BRAVO-Otto award elected by people in retrospect is nearly unbelievable. Because I don't fit into this stereotype from BRAVO, not at all. I think this is the most important award in retrospect.

Takes with long-standing friends of DJ BoBo for the new album "Celebration".
BoBo: Celebration is the idea to make something extraordinary for my 10 year anniversary. And I had the idea to rerecord some of my old hits with guests. And I thought which song would fit artist or voice.

DJ BoBo did so, he recorded duets with No Angels "Where Is Your Love", Melanie Thornton "Love Of My Life", Emilia "Everybody", Irene Cara "What A Feeling", ATC "Together", Tone "Lonely For You" and the Swiss phenomenon Gölä "Tell Me Why".
BoBo: We have 3 new songs. Among them the first single also named "Celebration". And then the idea came up to ask: what suits an anniversary to a jubilee? I then recorded the song "Tell Me Why" in cooperation with the Swiss rock musician Gölä. He wanted to do it. Absolutely.

This album is a new demonstration: DJ BoBo dominates the charts and the show stages. He was celebrating with a big anniversary TV-show in April 2002 in the arena Oberhausen (Germany) his

10-year successful in the music-business "DJ BoBo - Celebration - The 10th anniversary show". The producer, songwriter, singer and dancer created a unique stage show for this event!

On the 8th of October 2002 DJ BoBo`s son Jamiro was born. For his son and his wife Nancy he wrote the song "Do You Remember". DJ BoBo`s having a very emotional relation to this song because he wrote the song during the pregnancy of Nancy.
BoBo: One of the lines says "Welcome to this world my son so if Jamiro wouldnt have been a boy, I would have had to go back to the studio to record this line again.

In February 2003 was the release of DJ BoBo`s ninth album "Visions". So there is a new side to DJ BoBo`s music, not only the dance-sound, there are more acoustic elements on this album now. End of march 2003 DJ BoBo took his fans on a journey in time, the "Visions"- Tour.80 costumes, 16 singers, dancers and

musicians, Special Effects (light & pyrotechnics) which were designed especially for this show, 120 tons of material in 7 trucks all that is Visions.
BoBo: This is a complete new show. The people are traveling with us to an acherontic and eerily Aztecan-temple, then to a "Cartoon-World" like Roger Rabbit and then we are traveling to a "Future Western-Saloon"!"

The success of Chihuahua!!! It all started with an enquiry of Coca-Cola Spain, they were looking for an artist to produce a special song for their new campaign. The condition was, it had to be done in 10 days and it should be a mambo: a case for DJ BoBo and Axel Breitung! So there it was: the single "Chihuahua" and within a couple of weeks it was the no.1 in the Spanish charts!

End of March it was released in France and it entered the French charts at no.12, shortly afterwards it was no.1 in the official French top 100-charts and became "the summer hit of the year 2003! Most European and also South American countries are following with this huge success
BoBo: If I knew that the song became a hit I would work on it harder. But I guess then I wouldn't finish it. There won't be the spontaneity which helped "Chihuahua" to be on the top.

Year 2005. After a lasting break spent in Switzerland without any radio, interviews and shootings DJ BoBo releases at last his tenth album "Pirates Of Dance". It was followed by a huge fantastic tour never seen before. The scene was like a huge ship where the real pirates danced! "Pirates Of Dance Tour" lasted till March to October gathering together thousands of fans. And again BoBo won many

awards as well as Golden Ticket for gathering 15.000 fans for one concert. Amazing! Also he won a diamond award for 1 million records sold in Switzerland. He's been participant of The Swiss show "A red Carpet for DJ BoBo" which told us his story once again. Viva DJ BoBo!
BoBo: I was given an opportunity to reach such a great degree of popularity without fitting into this stereotype of a handsome young popstar. This is brilliant!

2006: a worldpremiere of a new dream-team in the international popmusic-buisness: DJ BoBo and Sandra, the mega-icon of the Eighties, met in the studio for DJ BoBo's single "Secrets Of Love". The song, continuing the duet-tradition of the pop-history with a unexpected emotion. The video-clip of this song was filmed in "Disneyresort Paris".

BoBo: I'm very proud to record the first duet of Sandra. She is a hard working artist with a lot of sensitiveness and emotions. I was really fascinated of our team-work in the recording studio.
Sandra: We've met at the "World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo and I always followed DJ BoBo`s career up till then! And when he asked me to record this duet for his "Greatest Hits" album I didn`t hesitate any minute.

After 14 years of success finally it was time for the first official "Greatest Hits" album. A wonderful evidence of the continuous music development of DJ BoBo, speaking from eurodance to dance pop and he is still part of the big players in the music business. All together 20 songs diversified compiled and not in chronicle order. DJ BoBo invited all his fans for a free 1st of august concert in Engelberg/Switzerland saying thank you for the loyalty of all these years". For this show a Open Air center-stage was built in the form of a Swiss cross in the middle of the mountains. All of the 10'000 people in the audience were asked to attend to this concert in a red top, so there was a gigantic, never seen before stage setting. This show was the largest Engelberg- event ever.

On 29th of September 2006 BoBo's second child was born. Little daughter was named Kayley! Her older brother Jamiro was very happy and couldn't wait to see his mother and sister at home already.
Nancy: Kayley grows up so quickly, she's so fine. Jamiro waited for her so much, she was his the biggest wish and we didn't even tell him how to act with her. With two kids my life became even better!

In October 2006 DJ BoBo became participant in the 2006 Geneva Walk the World. It marked the beginning of ties with UNO World Food Program.
Daly Belgasmi, Director of the WFP Geneva Office: We are thrilled that a singer as talented and as credible as DJ BoBo has decided to lend his talent to reduce the specter of hunger in the world
These were further strengthened and developed when he became a WFP National Ambassador Against Hunger.
BoBo: Traveling around the world has made me sensitive to human suffering. It is a privilege to be able to

help. We must understand that there can be absolutely no development in poor countries unless we first resolve the issue of hunger.
Since that DJ BoBo has used his fame to draw public attention to the problem of global hunger.

BoBo: That's the key, no compromise, straight to Eurovision Song Contest. Win or lose.
At the end of 2006 DJ BoBo announced that he had applied to represent Switzerland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. Swiss TV Council confirmed his candidacy to participation in Helsinki.

On February 21 2007, DJ BoBo revealed both the song and the video he would enter the Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki with. The song was entitled "Vampires Are Alive."
BoBo: I'm a very proud Swiss citizen. I grew up here and a lot of people have a history with me. They saw a show at least or something. So representing the counrty is something new for me and I'm looking forward to that.
"Vampires Are Alive" got a lot of negative reactions from Swiss Cristian organizations that declared of its Satanist features because of the lyrics.
BoBo: You can't really think of an intelligent way of reacting to that. Linking the song lyrics to

some religious things is kind of absurd. What should you do if somebody says: "From heaven to hell, enjoy the ride - don't say that! It glorifies satanism!" How should you reply to that?
Despite of that DJ BoBo became one of the favorites to win the contest according to many bookmakers. Eurovision Song Contest's semi-final held 10.05.2007.
Curtis: Compiting in Eurovisions Song Contest doesn't change anything. We will be doing what we're doing the best. We're gonna have a great show.
BoBo: If I go through semi-final if I could make it in a top ten there it's gonna be fine. Doesn't matter where I am at the end. But if I'm not gonna make it through the semi-final that would be disappointing for me. A disaster to say nice.
And disaster has happend. The song didn't qualified for the final. DJ BoBo got only 40 points taking 20th place in the Eurovision 2007.

But there was a bright side. Immediately after semi-fanal 11.05.2007 DJ BoBo released his new album "Vampires" which became Golden in Switzerland. The country doesn't forget its heros!
"Vampires" opened a new huge show "Vampires Alive" which started 01.12.2007 in Europapark in Rust. The world premiere of the tour took place in Oberhausen, Germany on April 30, 2008. 12 dancers, 9 artists, 6 musicians and 3 singers were performing on stage. "Vapries Alive" tour took 3 months of building the stage which consisted of 4 levels. It was 30 metres wide, 14 metres high and 12 metres deep. 7 semi trailer trucks transported all 50 tons of material, 125 members of the staff were serving this tour.

BoBo: At the beginning of the tour we didn't know what to expect. ...The show has been the best ever. The show was full of emotions, the audience's response was great. It has been an awesome tour...

In spring 2008 DJ BoBo composed a new song "Olé Olé" which become one of the main songs on 2008 UEFA European Football Championship which took place in Switzerland and Austria during June. Also there were released single and album with the same title.




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