Interview with DJ BoBo & Nancy
first vacation"
Illustrierte #15/2007
"Come daddy!
I need more sand for my sand castle" Jamiro screams and takes his father away
from the water.
DJ BoBo with
his family is on the vacation.
On the left
his son pulls him to himself, on the right Nancy is standing and holding in her
hands little Kayley.
The baby girl
is six month. She travels for the first time in her life.
In South
African camping Bay near Capetown DJ BoBo fulfills his powers for Eurovision
where he is to represent Switzerland in May.
DJ BoBo do you sleep well at night? BoBo: Of course, why not? Does Kayley disturb you at night? BoBo: The situation is not like with Jamiro to whom I always got up when he cried. Now Nancy gets up to Kayley. Nancy: I want it too. I need to spend my time with her. And shes always happy to be with her mom. How did you know about the birth of the girl? Nancy: We knew it only on the seventh month of pregnancy. BoBo: I was very happy and jumped to the ceiling. Nancy feels like I did when Jamiro was born. We are two men and we got along with each other from the very beginning. The same thing is happening with Nancy. When I play with baby and her mom comes I dont exist for her anymore. Nancy: The same thing with Jamiro. Daddy comes and he stops playing with me immediately. Do you plan the third child? You wanted a football team? BoBo: No, we dont. Nancy: Kayley completed our family. Did Jamiro choose the name for his sister? BoBo: Yes, he took this name from the fairytale "Magic sword". The only girl who fought with the knight was name Kayley. So he came to our bed in the morning and asked: "Can I name my sister as Kayley?" We said we not sure but anyway he persuaded us. |
Nancy: We wanted to name her by some Hawaiian name. I think, Kayley is not bad. Nancy how long you have been in the hospital? Nancy: I spent there one week. For this time that was longer than when Jamiro was born. Then I was at home next day? Did you miss BoBo and Jamiro? Nancy: They came to me in the hospital every day. Jamiro even spent the night with me. But he hardly could sleep. He was so excited. BoBo: Actually he liked a nurse thats why he was so excited. How did they welcomed you at home? Nancy: Wonderful. BoBo & Jamiro drew pictures and hung them up all over the house. You were with Nancy when she was giving her birth. Tell us about it. BoBo: I was with Nancy from the very beginning. Everything was so fast and suddenly doctor said: Shes already born. They put the girl near Nancy and then I cut the umbilical cord and took her in my hands. Does Jamiro jealous? Nancy: We talk with him about it before Kayleys birth. We told him that hes older brother and he has to care about his sister. BoBo: He wanted to have a sister very much. Certainly, he jealous a little but he does loves Kayley. In a hour after her birth he came with grandpas and grandmas in the hospital and gave his sister a present. He looked and her very tenderly and wanted to take her in his hands, Do they both sleep in the same room? Nancy: At the moment Kayley sleeps with us in her bed. If I go to sleep after midnight I feed her so she can sleep till 9 a.m. What about diapers? BoBo: I can change them now. But Nancy is better than me in it. Nancy: BoBo changes diapers even when Im not here. BoBo: Im not so reliable with Kayley than with Jamiro. Shes a girl. Did your life change after the birth of second child? Nancy: It became more complete. Kayley is a pure gold. She smiles al the time and gives us her love. I think, she feels that she is absolutely desirable child. Does she differ from her brother? Nancy: Yes. She plays with absolutely other thing then Jamiro in her age. For example? Nancy: If I hold some necklace she grabs it immediately. Jamiro wasnt interested in such things. She also can play with herself being alone. What does your son think about "Vampires Are Alive"? BoBo: Jamiro likes it. He likes fairytales. And theres nothing else in the song except fairytale. |
Original interview: