"My music unites"

From triple failure to pop star.
DJ BoBo did it: more than 13 millions of sold CDs, 250 golden and 50 platinum awards, worldwide tours, concerts in huge arenas.
On 4th of April, 2006 DJ BoBo visited MDR studio. It was great opportunity for the interview.

You have no musical education, but you are very successful as a pop star. Whats your secret?
Of course Im not a musician. Im specialist in songs composing and stage performance. And these are based on self-learning.

So how do you compose your songs with your self-learning?
There are no notes in modern music anymore. For example I cant play from music. If I compose a song I sing its motive to the dictaphone. Its very effective and rather simple.

And then there is working in studio?
Yes. My co composer Axel Breitung does it. I basically compose strophes, and he composes refrains. When melody is ready Im writing lyrics. Generally we first make melodies.

Your shows are known by high costs, stage design, perfect outfits and modern special effects. Who are engaged in it?
We are e.g. five-person-group. Designer and stage constructor, choreographer, my wife who designs costumes and I. We create show conception. But generally there many people engaged in it. If we are touring we cooperate with 200 people every day.

How much space does your equipment take when you are touring?
Eight trailers. And more than 100 people serving it.

You perform on a stage in a front of hundreds of people. You know they came on a concert for you, they spent money for it. How do you deal with this popularity?
Im not so popular anymore as many think. Im glad that success slowly came to my career. I was recognized not so fast. My success was very slow. First I had three failures, then there was my first hit. We performed on the discotheques, later in small arenas, then in average arenas with capacity of two thousand seats. And beginning from 1999 we perform in huge arenas. When everything goes slowly you dont consider it as great surprise. Besides 80 percent of my time I spend at the backstage and only 20 percent goes to stage performances. Great artists have it on the contrary. So most of time I work at the backstage thats way there are many pauses. There is no danger in it. Sometimes people think that if artist every second evening performs on a stage he is really great.

Can you live normal life?
We have very lasting pauses between tours. They last approximately from two to three years. Just in that very case I found out what is normal life. And its very important.

Why so lasting pauses? Because of physical exhaustion?
First of all there is such market situation. You cant make huge shows every year. You have to wait till people miss it again. If you want to perform every year you have to do it in small arenas. Pauses are necessary for huge shows.

What are you doing in these pauses?
Im working at the office. We also work on merchandising and production of fan stuff.

Where do you spend your vacation?
I take my wife and kid and go far away where nobody knows me.

How free do you feel yourself in Germany and Switzerland?
Everything became better when my career went high. Today if people see me theyre just smiling or saying hallo. Ten years ago when I was not so famous girl started squeaking when they saw me.
I also never go to the supermarkets.

Where is your home sweet home?
We live in a small town near Lucerne in Switzerland. We live in solitude and very quiet.

What are you doing if you want to relax?
Im doing sports. I play football, hockey, badminton etc.

Do you sing your songs to your son as lullaby?
Yes, I did it before. But now he doesnt want to. Hes rather big to fall asleep listening to the songs. I composed for him many songs but they are all in English.

Why do you sing your song in English?
Its easier for me to write lyrics in English.

Where did you learn English?
From LPs covers. When I was DJ there always were English texts on LPs covers. I began to repeat them so I learnt English. I didnt learn English at school at all.

What message one can hear from your music? What do you want to say your listeners with your music?
Music must unite people otherwise its not music at all. My music goes through geographical borders, religions, cultural values, race differences. Its a big pleasure to realize that my music is adored by many people in Mongolia and Albania as well as in Germany.

Original interview: www.mdr.de


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